
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 account_currency_balance_history /getAccountsBalancesHistory Path does not match
2 download_account_currency_balance_history /downloadAccountsBalancesHistory Path does not match
3 createAccount /createAccount Path does not match
4 updateAccount /updateAccount Path does not match
5 diceCoeff /diceCoeff Path does not match
6 getAccount /getAccount Path does not match
7 getClientAccountsList /getClientAccountsList Path does not match
8 closeAccount /closeAccount Path does not match
9 setAccountRestricted /setAccountRestricted Path does not match
10 setAccountActive /setAccountActive Path does not match
11 setAccountBlocked /setAccountBlocked Path does not match
12 setAccountUnblocked /setAccountUnblocked Path does not match
13 clientCreateAccount /client/createAccount Path does not match
14 clientGetAccount /client/getAccount Path does not match
15 clientGetClientAccountsList /client/getClientAccountsList Path does not match
16 clientGetOwnersList /client/getOwnersList Path does not match
17 clientUpdateAccount /client/updateAccount Path does not match
18 closeAccountForClient /client/closeAccount Path does not match
19 getAccountslistForClient /client/getAccountsList Path does not match
20 getAccountslist /getAccountsList Path does not match
21 downloadAccountsList /downloadAccountsList Path does not match
22 getAccountPermissionSettingListForClient /client/getClientAccPermList Path does not match
23 getAccountPermissionSettingList /getClientAccPermList Path does not match
24 updateAccountSecurityLimits /updateAccountSecurityLimits Path does not match
25 updateAccountSecurityLimitsForClient /client/updateAccountSecurityLimits Path does not match
26 getAccountSecurityLimitsForClient /client/getAccountSecurityLimits Path does not match
27 get_account_statement_report /getAccountStatementReport Path does not match
28 client_get_account_statement_report /client/getAccountStatementReport Path does not match
29 getAccountStatuses /getAccountStatuses Path does not match
30 getAccountStatusesForClient /client/getAccountStatuses Path does not match
31 getAccountStatusHistory /getAccountStatusChangeHistory Path does not match
32 getAccountTypes /getAccountTypes Path does not match
33 get_acc_statement_report /getAccStatementReport Path does not match
34 client_get_acc_statement_report /client/getAccStatementReport Path does not match
35 create_sepa_outbound_adjustment_transaction /createSepaOutboundAdjustmentTransaction Path does not match
36 create_internal_outbound_adjustment_transaction /createInternalOutboundAdjustmentTransaction Path does not match
37 create_internal_inbound_adjustment_transaction /createInternalInboundAdjustmentTransaction Path does not match
38 getAllowListRecords /getAllowListRecords Path does not match
39 getAllowListStatuses /getAllowListStatuses Path does not match
40 updateAllowListRecordStatus /updateAllowListRecordStatus Path does not match
41 getAllowRecordMatches /getAllowRecordMatches Path does not match
42 getAmlResults /getAmlResults Path does not match
43 getAmlRules /getAmlRules Path does not match
44 downloadAmlResults /downloadAmlResults Path does not match
45 getAMLResultsTypes /getAMLResultsTypes Path does not match
46 getAMLResultsStatuses /getAMLResultsStatuses Path does not match
47 updateAMLResultStatus /updateAMLResultStatus Path does not match
48 getAccountAmlResultsHistory /getAccountAmlResultsHistory Path does not match
49 AML3rdPartyStatusCallback /AML3rdPartyStatusCallback Path does not match
50 AML3rdPartyStatusNotify /AML3rdPartyStatusNotify Path does not match
51 getAmlAlertsCount /getAmlAlertsCount Path does not match
52 getAmlDashboardClients /getAmlDashboardClients Path does not match
53 getAmlDashboardAccounts /getAmlDashboardAccounts Path does not match
54 getAmlDashboardResolutionNumber /getAmlDashboardResolutionNumber Path does not match
55 getAmlDashboardAlertsByAge /getAmlDashboardAlertsByAge Path does not match
56 clientGetAppSettings /client/getAppSettings Path does not match
57 clientUpdateAppSettings /client/updateAppSettings Path does not match
58 clientGetCreditorsList /client/getCreditorsList Path does not match
59 appInviteForClient /client/appInvite Path does not match
60 pulic_app_languages /public/app/translations Path does not match
61 pulic_get_app_version /public/getAppVersion Path does not match
62 disputeBacsPayment /disputeBacsPayment/{trxId} Path does not match
63 getDisputeTypes /getDisputeTypes Path does not match
64 cancelDisputeBacsPayment /cancelDisputeBacsPayment/{trxId} Path does not match
65 cancelBacsDDPmt /cancelBacsDDPmt Path does not match
66 clientCancelBacsDDPmt /client/cancelBacsDDPmt Path does not match
67 getCoreNotifyTypes /getCoreNotifyTypes Path does not match
68 addCoreNotifyReceiver /addCoreNotifyReceiver Path does not match
69 getCoreNotifyList /getCoreNotifyList Path does not match
70 deleteCoreNotifyReceiver /deleteCoreNotifyReceiver Path does not match
71 client_get_bank_info /client/getBankInfo Path does not match
72 get_bank_info /getBankInfo Path does not match
73 send_bank_report /reportInstUnavailability Path does not match
74 get_banks_list /getBanksList Path does not match
75 banklinkSignForClient /client/banklinkSign Path does not match
76 banklinkUpdate /client/banklinkUpdate Path does not match
77 banklink_callback /public/banklink/callback Path does not match
78 getBankPermanentToken /admin/getBankPermanentToken Path does not match
79 getBankPermanentTokenList /admin/getBankPermanentTokenList Path does not match
80 createBankPermanentToken /admin/createBankPermanentToken Path does not match
81 blockBankPermanentToken /admin/blockBankPermanentToken Path does not match
82 getBankPermission /admin/getBankPermission Path does not match
83 getBankPermissionList /admin/getBankPermissionList Path does not match
84 createBankPermission /admin/createBankPermission Path does not match
85 updateBankPermission /admin/updateBankPermission Path does not match
86 getBankPosFeatureListForClient /client/getBankPosFeatureList Path does not match
87 getBankRole /admin/getBankRole Path does not match
88 getBankRoleList /admin/getBankRoleList Path does not match
89 createBankRole /admin/createBankRole Path does not match
90 updateBankRole /admin/updateBankRole Path does not match
91 downloadBankRole /admin/downloadBankRole Path does not match
92 uploadBankRole /admin/uploadBankRole Path does not match
93 getBankUser /admin/getBankUser Path does not match
94 getBankUserList /admin/getBankUserList Path does not match
95 createBankUser /admin/createBankUser Path does not match
96 updateBankUser /admin/updateBankUser Path does not match
97 bankUserProfile /bank/getProfile Path does not match
98 updateBankUserByOwner /bank/updateUser Path does not match
99 create_beneficiary /createBeneficiary Path does not match
100 update_beneficiary /updateBeneficiary Path does not match
101 delete_beneficiary /deleteBeneficiary Path does not match
102 get_beneficiaries_list /getBeneficiariesList Path does not match
103 blacklistClient /blacklistClient Path does not match
104 getBlacklistedStatuses /getBlacklistedStatuses Path does not match
105 getBlacklistHistory /getBlacklistHistory Path does not match
106 getBlacklistedStatusesSummary /getBlacklistedStatusesSummary Path does not match
107 getBoLReport /getBoLReport Path does not match
108 bridge_accept_message /bridge/acceptMessage Path does not match
109 getSystemCalendar /getSystemCalendar Path does not match
110 updateSystemCalendar /updateSystemCalendar Path does not match
111 validateReceipt /validateReceipt Path does not match
112 getClientAccSignList /getClientAccSignList Path does not match
113 getClientAccSignListForClient /client/getClientAccSignList Path does not match
114 getClientAccPermList /getClientAccPerm Path does not match
115 addClientAccPerm /addClientAccPerm Path does not match
116 updateClientAccPerm /updateClientAccPerm Path does not match
117 deleteClientAccPerm /deleteClientAccPerm Path does not match
118 getClientAccPermListForClient /client/getClientAccPerm Path does not match
119 addClientAccPermForClient /client/addClientAccPerm Path does not match
120 updateClientAccPermForClient /client/updateClientAccPerm Path does not match
121 deleteClientAccPermForClient /client/deleteClientAccPerm Path does not match
122 addClientChangeHistoryComment /addClientChangeHistoryComment Path does not match
123 getClientChangeHistoryComment /getClientChangeHistoryComment Path does not match
124 getClientsList /getClientsList Path does not match
125 getClient /getClient Path does not match
126 updateClientUser /updateClientUser Path does not match
127 getClientType /client/getClientType Path does not match
128 validatePhoneBookForClient /client/validatePhoneBook Path does not match
129 addClientDocumentFile /addClientDocumentFile Path does not match
130 getClientDocFileList /getClientDocFileList Path does not match
131 deleteClientDocFile /deleteClientDocFile Path does not match
132 updateClientDocFileDetails /updateClientDocFileDetails Path does not match
133 addClientDocumentForClientFile /client/addClientDocumentFile Path does not match
134 getClientDocFileListForClient /client/getClientDocFileList Path does not match
135 deleteClientDocFileForClient /client/deleteClientDocFile Path does not match
136 addClientDocumentForClient /client/addClientDocument Path does not match
137 updateRequestedDocStatus /updateRequestedDocStatus Path does not match
138 getRequestedDocStatuses /getRequestedDocStatuses Path does not match
139 updateKycLevel /updateClientKycLevel Path does not match
140 getClientsSummary /getClientsSummary Path does not match
141 updateClientMessageSettingForClient /client/updateClientMessageSetting Path does not match
142 createClientPos /createClientPos Path does not match
143 getClientPos /getClientPos Path does not match
144 getClientPosList /getClientPosList Path does not match
145 downloadClientPos /downloadClientPos Path does not match
146 uploadClientPos /uploadClientPos Path does not match
147 getClientPosFeatureList /getClientPosFeatureList Path does not match
148 downloadClientPosFeature /downloadClientPosFeature Path does not match
149 uploadClientPosFeature /uploadClientPosFeature Path does not match
150 getBankPosForClient /client/getBankPos Path does not match
151 clientRiskCheck /clientRiskCheck Path does not match
152 client_create_company /client/createCompany Path does not match
153 clientSignTransaction /client/signTransaction Path does not match
154 signManyTransactionsForClient /client/signManyTransactions Path does not match
155 getSignHistoryForClient /client/getSignHistory Path does not match
156 app_cluster_clusteraccount_addaccounts /client/cluster/addAccounts Path does not match
157 app_cluster_clusteraccount_getsubaccounts /client/cluster/subAccounts Path does not match
158 app_cluster_clusteraccount_getbalanceinfo /client/cluster/balanceInfo Path does not match
159 app_cluster_cluster_createone /client/createCluster Path does not match
160 app_cluster_cluster_getlist /client/getClustersList Path does not match
161 createCompany /createCompany Path does not match
162 updateCompany /updateCompany Path does not match
163 deactivateCompany /deactivateCompany Path does not match
164 getCompaniesList /getCompaniesList Path does not match
165 getCompany /getCompany Path does not match
166 getCompanyForClient /client/getCompany Path does not match
167 updateCompanyForClient /client/updateCompany Path does not match
168 getCompanyLegalFormsList /getCompanyLegalFormsList Path does not match
169 getCompanyLegalFormsListForClient /client/getCompanyLegalFormsList Path does not match
170 updateCompanyAccountLimits /client/updateCompanyAccountLimits Path does not match
171 updateCompanyAccountUserLimits /client/updateCompanyAccountUserLimits Path does not match
172 addCompanyPerson /addCompanyPerson Path does not match
173 updateCompanyPerson /updateCompanyPerson Path does not match
174 getCompanyPersonsList /getCompanyPersonsList Path does not match
175 client_cluster_companies /client/cluster/companies Path does not match
176 getCompanyPersonsListForClient /client/getCompanyPersonsList Path does not match
177 getCompanySizesList /getCompanySizesList Path does not match
178 getCompanySizesListForClient /client/getCompanySizesList Path does not match
179 getCountriesList /getCountriesList Path does not match
180 getCountriesListForClient /client/getCountriesList Path does not match
181 getCurrencies /getCurrencies Path does not match
182 app_currencyfxmargins_importfxmargins /client/importFxMargins Path does not match
183 app_currencyfxmargins_importfxmargins_1 /importFxMargins Path does not match
184 app_currencyfxmargins_exportfxmargins /client/exportFxMargins Path does not match
185 app_currencyfxmargins_exportfxmargins_1 /exportFxMargins Path does not match
186 trxStatusChangeNotification /public/trxStatusChangeNotification Path does not match
187 deleteUser /deleteUser Path does not match
188 getClientDocCommentList /getClientDocCommentList Path does not match
189 addClientDocComment /addClientDocComment Path does not match
190 get_document_types /getDocumentTypes Path does not match
191 client_get_document_types /client/getDocumentTypes Path does not match
192 disable_document_requested /disableRequestedDocument Path does not match
193 delete_document_requested /deleteRequestedDocument Path does not match
194 add_requested_document /addRequestedDocument Path does not match
195 get_document_requested_list /getRequestedDocumentsList Path does not match
196 createManualExchangeDeal /createManualExchangeDeal Path does not match
197 deleteManualExchangeDeal /deleteManualExchangeDeal Path does not match
198 getManualExchangeDeal /getManualExchangeDeal Path does not match
199 getManualExchangeDeals /getManualExchangeDeals Path does not match
200 getManualExchangeDealForClient /client/getManualExchangeDeal Path does not match
201 getManualExchangeDealsForClient /client/getManualExchangeDeals Path does not match
202 exchange_payment /createExchangePmt Path does not match
203 exchange_margin /createFxMargins Path does not match
204 exchange_margin_update /updateFxMargins Path does not match
205 get_fx_margin_list /getFxMarginsList Path does not match
206 exchange_payment_for_client /client/createExchangePmt Path does not match
207 get_traded_fx_rates_for_client /client/getTradedFxRates Path does not match
208 get_traded_fx_rates /getTradedFxRates Path does not match
209 getCurrencyRateTypes /getCurrencyRateTypes Path does not match
210 client_validate_fox_service /client/validateFoxService Path does not match
211 pay_fox_service /client/payFoxService Path does not match
212 app_feeplan_createone /fee-plans/create Path does not match
213 app_feeplan_getlist /fee-plans Path does not match
214 getStatementOfFees /getStatementOfFees Path does not match
215 getClientStatementOfFees /client/getStatementOfFees Path does not match
216 get_fntt_report /getFnttReport Path does not match
217 getFormTemplate /admin/getFormTemplate Path does not match
218 getFormTemplateList /admin/getFormTemplateList Path does not match
219 createFormTemplate /admin/createFormTemplate Path does not match
220 updateFormTemplate /admin/updateFormTemplate Path does not match
221 getFormTemplateForClient /client/getFormTemplate Path does not match
222 getFormTemplateForBank /getFormTemplate Path does not match
223 getFxOverallBalances /fx/getOverallBalances Path does not match
224 addIdVerificationDocument /addIDdocDetails Path does not match
225 getIdVerificationDocument /getIDdocDetails Path does not match
226 getIdVerificationDocumentTypes /getIDdocVerificationTypes Path does not match
227 idenfy /idenfy/callback Path does not match
228 idenfy_send_verif_status /client/idenfy/sendVerificationStatus Path does not match
229 setIdentificationInitiatedStatus /client/setIdentificationInitiatedStatus Path does not match
230 idenfy_get_token /client/idenfy/getIdenfyToken Path does not match
231 idenfy_client_get_url /client/idenfy/getIdenfyUrl Path does not match
232 idenfy_get_url /getIdenfyUrl Path does not match
233 getIdentificationToken /client/getIdentificationToken Path does not match
234 identification_document /identification/documents/links Path does not match
235 client_identification_document /client/identification/documents/links Path does not match
236 identification_document_download /identification/getDocument Path does not match
237 downloadDocumentForClient /client/identification/getDocument Path does not match
238 getInfobipConfig /admin/getInfobipConfig Path does not match
239 updateInfobipConfig /admin/updateInfobipConfig Path does not match
240 createInternalPayment /createInternalPmt Path does not match
241 getKycLevelsList /getKycLevelsList Path does not match
242 getAppLanguages /public/app/getLanguages Path does not match
243 updateAccountLimits /client/updateAccountLimits Path does not match
244 updateAccountUserLimits /client/updateAccountUserLimits Path does not match
245 getLiquidityPaymentsList /getLiquidityPaymentsList Path does not match
246 downloadLiquidityPaymentsList /downloadLiquidityPaymentsList Path does not match
247 getLiquidityPayment /getLiquidityPayment Path does not match
248 getLiquidityPaymentStatuses /getLiquidityPaymentStatuses Path does not match
249 getLiquidityAccounts /getLiquidityAccounts Path does not match
250 createLiquidityPayment /createLiquidityPayment Path does not match
251 signLiquidityPayment /signLiquidityPayment Path does not match
252 createInboundLiquidityAdjustment /createInboundLiquidityAdjustment Path does not match
253 createOutboundLiquidityAdjustment /createOutboundLiquidityAdjustment Path does not match
254 closeCurrencyPosition /closeCurrencyPosition Path does not match
255 getMetrics /metrics Path does not match
256 setBalanceNotificationLimits /setBalanceNotificationLimits Path does not match
257 loginClientUser /public/app/login Path does not match
258 loginBankUser /bank/login Path does not match
259 refreshToken /public/app/refreshToken Path does not match
260 createUserToken /createUserToken Path does not match
261 clientRefreshUserToken /client/refreshUserToken Path does not match
262 logoutForClient /client/logout Path does not match
263 logout /bank/logout Path does not match
264 loginEbankUser /public/ebank/login Path does not match
265 secureLogin /public/app/secureLogin Path does not match
266 loginSimple /public/app/loginSimple Path does not match
267 signUpSimple /public/app/singUpSimple Path does not match
268 openapi /openapi/{fileSource} Path does not match
269 importPain001 /importPain001 Path does not match
270 getBatchFilesStatus /getBatchFilesStatus Path does not match
271 getBatchFileStatus /getBatchFileStatus Path does not match
272 initPayments /initPayments Path does not match
273 clientInitPayments /client/initPayments Path does not match
274 payments_create_v2 /v2/payments/create Path does not match
275 createPayment /createPayment Path does not match
276 getFieldsForPayments /getFieldsForPayments Path does not match
277 client_payments_create_v2 /v2/client/payments/create Path does not match
278 clientCreatePayment /client/createPayment Path does not match
279 createPerson /createPerson Path does not match
280 updatePerson /updatePerson Path does not match
281 getPerson /getPerson Path does not match
282 getUserForClient /client/getUser Path does not match
283 createPersonInvitationForClient /client/createPersonInvitation Path does not match
284 validateUserPin /client/validateUserPin Path does not match
285 resetPinSimple /public/app/resetPinSimple Path does not match
286 cancelResetPinSimple /public/app/cancelResetPinSimple/{token} Path does not match
287 getPlaisOrders /getPlaisOrders Path does not match
288 getPlaisOrdersForClient /client/getPlaisOrders Path does not match
289 createPosFeature /createPosFeature Path does not match
290 getPosFeature /getPosFeature Path does not match
291 getPosFeatureList /getPosFeatureList Path does not match
292 downloadPosFeature /downloadPosFeature Path does not match
293 uploadPosFeature /uploadPosFeature Path does not match
294 getPosFeatureType /getPosFeatureType Path does not match
295 getPosFeatureTypeList /getPosFeatureTypeList Path does not match
296 downloadPosFeatureType /downloadPosFeatureType Path does not match
297 uploadPosFeatureType /uploadPosFeatureType Path does not match
298 createProduct /createProduct Path does not match
299 getProductsList /getProductsList Path does not match
300 deactivateProduct /deactivateProduct Path does not match
301 getProductGroups /getProductGroups Path does not match
302 getManualProducts /getManualProducts Path does not match
303 addProductRule /addProductRule Path does not match
304 deleteProductRule /deleteProductRule Path does not match
305 getProductRulesList /getProductRules Path does not match
306 getProductRuleTypes /getProductRuleTypes Path does not match
307 tppCreateConsent /tpp/createConsent Path does not match
308 getConsentForClient /client/getConsent Path does not match
309 getConsentListForClient /client/getConsentList Path does not match
310 checkClient /client/checkClient Path does not match
311 approveConsentForClient /client/approveConsent Path does not match
312 rejectConsentForClient /client/rejectConsent Path does not match
313 revokeConsentForClient /client/revokeConsent Path does not match
314 rejectConsentForTpp /tpp/deleteConsent Path does not match
315 getConsentForTpp /tpp/getConsent Path does not match
316 getConsentStatus /tpp/getConsentStatus Path does not match
317 app_psd2_psd2payment_create /tpp/createPayment Path does not match
318 app_psd2_psd2payment_getone /client/getPsd2Payment Path does not match
319 app_psd2_psd2payment_approve /client/approvePsd2Payment Path does not match
320 app_psd2_psd2payment_reject /client/rejectPsd2Payment Path does not match
321 app_psd2_psd2payment_getconsentbyaccesstoken /tpp/getPayment Path does not match
322 createTpp /createTpp Path does not match
323 updateTpp /updateTpp Path does not match
324 getReconStatus /getReconStatus Path does not match
325 matchReconciliationTransaction /matchReconciliationTransaction Path does not match
326 getReconDetails /getReconDetails Path does not match
327 getReconSummary /getReconSummary Path does not match
328 downloadReconciliationReport /downloadReconciliationReport Path does not match
329 getAccessibleClients /getAccessibleClients Path does not match
330 getAccessibleAccounts /getAccessibleAccounts Path does not match
331 reportingToolGetReport /reportingTool/getReport Path does not match
332 reportingToolReportList /reportingTool/getReportList Path does not match
333 updateSettlementDay /updateSettlementDate Path does not match
334 getRiskLevels /getRiskLevels Path does not match
335 getRiskLevelHistory /getRiskLevelHistory Path does not match
336 getRiskLevelsSummary /getRiskLevelsSummary Path does not match
337 addSDDDebtor /addSDDDebtor Path does not match
338 deactivateSDDDebtor /deactivateSDDDebtor Path does not match
339 getSDDDebtor /getSDDDebtor Path does not match
340 getSDDDebtors /getSDDDebtors Path does not match
341 approveSDDDebtor /approveSDDDebtor Path does not match
342 rejectSDDDebtor /rejectSDDDebtor Path does not match
343 updateSDDDebtor /updateSDDDebtor Path does not match
344 getSDDDebtorStatusHistory /getSDDDebtorStatusHistory Path does not match
345 dd_mandate_file_download /getDDMandateFile Path does not match
346 clientAddSDDDebtor /client/addSDDDebtor Path does not match
347 clientDeactivateSDDDebtor /client/deactivateSDDDebtor Path does not match
348 cleintGetSDDDebtor /client/getSDDDebtor Path does not match
349 clientGetSDDDebtors /client/getSDDDebtors Path does not match
350 client_dd_mandate_file_download /client/getDDMandateFile Path does not match
351 createSDDPayment /createSDDPmt Path does not match
352 cancelSDDPayment /cancelSDDPmt Path does not match
353 reverseSDDPayment /reverseSDDPmt Path does not match
354 app_sdd_payment_returnsddpmt / Path does not match
355 returnSDDPayment /returnSDDPmt Path does not match
356 rejectSDDPayment /rejectSDDPmt Path does not match
357 createClientSDDPayment /client/createSDDPmt Path does not match
358 cancelClientSDDPayment /client/cancelSDDPmt Path does not match
359 reverseClientSDDPayment /client/reverseSDDPmt Path does not match
360 returnClientSDDPayment /client/returnSDDPmt Path does not match
361 rejectClientSDDPayment /client/rejectSDDPmt Path does not match
362 clientRecheck /clientRecheck Path does not match
363 clientRecheckHistory /clientRecheckHistory Path does not match
364 get2faCodeSimple /public/app/get2faCodeSimple Path does not match
365 get2faCode /public/app/get2faCode Path does not match
366 verify2faCode /public/app/verify2faCode Path does not match
367 verify2faCodeSimple /public/app/verify2faCodeSimple Path does not match
368 resend2faCode /public/app/resend2faCode Path does not match
369 getPaymentCategoryPurposeCode /getPaymentCategoryPurposeCodes Path does not match
370 clientGetPaymentCategoryPurposeCode /client/getPaymentCategoryPurposeCodes Path does not match
371 gatewayCreateSepaPayment /gateway/createSepaPmt Path does not match
372 createSepaStatusReportRequest /createSepaStatusReportRequest Path does not match
373 getPaymentPurposeCodes /getPaymentPurposeCodes Path does not match
374 addShareholderForClient /client/addShareholder Path does not match
375 addShareholder /addShareholder Path does not match
376 deleteShareholder /deleteShareholder Path does not match
377 clientDeleteShareholder /client/deleteShareholder Path does not match
378 getShareholdersForClients /client/getShareholders Path does not match
379 getShareholder /getShareholders Path does not match
380 client_shareholder_update /client/shareholder/update Path does not match
381 shareholder_update /shareholder/update Path does not match
382 shareholder_update_request_approve /shareholder/update-requests/approve Path does not match
383 shareholder_update_request_reject /shareholder/update-requests/reject Path does not match
384 get_shareholder_update_requests /shareholder/update-requests Path does not match
385 client_get_shareholder_update_requests_statuses /client/shareholder/update-requests/statuses Path does not match
386 get_shareholder_update_requests_statuses /shareholder/update-requests/statuses Path does not match
387 signTransaction /signTransaction Path does not match
388 signManyTransactions /signManyTransactions Path does not match
389 signUp /public/app/signUp Path does not match
390 validate_client_phone_number /public/app/validateClientPhoneNumber Path does not match
391 download_sti_lt_reported_list /downloadStiLtReportedList Path does not match
392 sendLtStiData /sendLtStiData Path does not match
393 getReportedList /getStiLtReportedList Path does not match
394 createSwiftInboundTransaction /createManualInboundPayment Path does not match
395 releaseTransaction /releaseTrxfromOnHold Path does not match
396 completeTransactionManually /completeTrxManually Path does not match
397 releaseManyTransactions /releaseManyTrxfromOnHold Path does not match
398 completeManyTransactionsManually /completeManyTrxManually Path does not match
399 getSystemSettings /getSystemSettings Path does not match
400 getSystemSettingsForClient /client/getSystemSettings Path does not match
401 client_get_user_info /client/getUserInfo Path does not match
402 approve_client /approveClient Path does not match
403 reject_client /rejectClient Path does not match
404 genTempPasswordForClient /client/genTempPassword Path does not match
405 tempLoginForClient /public/temp/login Path does not match
406 sendTempPassword /sendTempPassword Path does not match
407 getTradedCurrencies /getTradedCurrencies Path does not match
408 getTradedCurrenciesForClient /client/getTradedCurrencies Path does not match
409 create_manual_fee /createManualFee Path does not match
410 getSepaReconciliationReport /getSepaReconciliationReport Path does not match
411 download_sepa_reconciliation_report /downloadSepaReconciliationReport Path does not match
412 getTransactionCommentList /getTransactionCommentList Path does not match
413 addTransactionComment /addTransactionComment Path does not match
414 updateTransactionComment /updateTransactionComment Path does not match
415 getTransaction /getTransaction Path does not match
416 getTransactionForClient /client/getTransaction Path does not match
417 cancelTransaction /cancelTransaction Path does not match
418 reviewTransaction /reviewTransaction Path does not match
419 reviewManyTransactions /reviewManyTransactions Path does not match
420 rejectCancellationRequest /rejectCancellationRequest Path does not match
421 payments_return_v2 /v2/payments/return Path does not match
422 returnCancellationRequest /returnCancellationRequest Path does not match
423 getTransactionHistory /getTransactionHistory Path does not match
424 getProcessingInfo /getProcessingInfo Path does not match
425 getTransactioDocFileDocumentForBankUser /getTransactionDocFileDocument Path does not match
426 addTransactionDocFileForClient /client/addTransactionDocFile Path does not match
427 getTransactioDocFileListForClient /client/getTransactionDocFileList Path does not match
428 getTransactioDocFileDocumentForClient /client/getTransactionDocFileDocument Path does not match
429 deleteTransactionDocFileForClient /client/deleteTransactionDocFile Path does not match
430 addTransactionDocFile /addTransactionDocFile Path does not match
431 getTransactioDocFileListForBankUser /getTransactionDocFileList Path does not match
432 deleteTransactionDocFile /deleteTransactionDocFile Path does not match
433 cancelTransactionForClient /client/cancelTransaction Path does not match
434 client_payments_return_v2 /v2/client/payments/return Path does not match
435 returnCancellationRequestForClient /client/returnCancellationRequest Path does not match
436 rejectCancellationRequestForClient /client/rejectCancellationRequest Path does not match
437 getStatusRequestsList /getStatusReportRequestsList Path does not match
438 getTransactionsList /getTransactionsList Path does not match
439 getAccountStatement /getAccountStatement Path does not match
440 downloadAccountStatement /downloadAccountStatement Path does not match
441 downloadClientAccountStatement /client/downloadAccountStatement Path does not match
442 downloadTransactionsList /downloadTransactionsList Path does not match
443 getTransactionsSummary /getTransactionsSummary Path does not match
444 getAllTransactions /getAllTransactions Path does not match
445 getTransactionsListForClient /client/getTransactionsList Path does not match
446 getAccountStatementForClient /client/getAccountStatement Path does not match
447 getAllTransactionsForClient /client/getAllTransactions Path does not match
448 getTransactionMethods /getTransactionMethods Path does not match
449 getTransactionMethodsForClient /client/getTransactionMethods Path does not match
450 getTransactionMethodsForTpp /tpp/getTransactionMethods Path does not match
451 getAccountCreationMethods /getAccountCreationMethods Path does not match
452 clienGetAccountCreationMethods /client/getAccountCreationMethods Path does not match
453 getRoutingValidations /getRoutingValidations Path does not match
454 getClientRoutingValidations /client/getRoutingValidations Path does not match
455 rescreenTransaction /rescreenTransaction Path does not match
456 rescreenManyTransactions /rescreenManyTransactions Path does not match
457 getTransactionStatuses /getTransactionStatuses Path does not match
458 getTransactionStatusesForClient /client/getTransactionStatuses Path does not match
459 getTransactionTypes /getTransactionTypes Path does not match
460 getTransactionTypesForClient /client/getTransactionTypes Path does not match
461 getTransactionType /getTransactionType Path does not match
462 getClientTransactionType /client/getTransactionType Path does not match
463 download_user_manual /downloadUserManual Path does not match
464 getUserProfile /client/getUserProfile Path does not match
465 updatePersonForClient /client/updatePerson Path does not match
466 recoveryPassword1Send2faCode /public/app/recoveryPassword1Send2faCode Path does not match
467 recoveryPin1Send2faCode /public/app/recoveryPin1Send2faCode Path does not match
468 recovery1Send2faCode /public/app/recovery1Send2faCode Path does not match
469 recovery1AllCredentials /public/app/recovery1AllCredentials Path does not match
470 recovery2Verify2faPin /public/app/recovery2Verify2faPin Path does not match
471 recovery3VerifyAnswer /public/app/recovery3VerifyAnswer Path does not match
472 recovery4ChangePassword /public/app/recovery4ChangePassword Path does not match
473 recovery4ChangePin /public/app/recovery4ChangePin Path does not match
474 recovery4ChangeAll /public/app/recovery4ChangeAll Path does not match
475 recovery4ChangePinPassword /public/app/recovery4ChangeAllCredentails Path does not match
476 getQuestionForPassword /public/app/getQuestionForPassword Path does not match
477 getQuestionForPin /client/getQuestionForPin Path does not match
478 changePassword /public/app/changePassword Path does not match
479 changePin /client/changePin Path does not match
480 _twig_error_test /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
481 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
482 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
483 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
484 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
485 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
486 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
487 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
488 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
489 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
490 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
491 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
492 client_options /client/{req} Path does not match
493 hb_swagger_ui_default /docs/ Path does not match
494 hb_swagger_ui_swagger_file /docs/file/{fileName} Path does not match
495 hb_swagger_ui_redirect /docs/{fileName} Path does not match
496 account_currency_balance_history_v2 /v2/getAccountsBalancesHistory Path does not match
497 download_account_currency_balance_history_v2 /v2/downloadAccountsBalancesHistory Path does not match
498 cancel_transaction_for_client_v2 /v2/client/cancelTransaction Path does not match
499 cancel_transaction_v2 /v2/cancelTransaction Path does not match
500 download_transactions_list_v2 /v2/downloadTransactionsList Path does not match
501 reject_cancellation_request_for_client_v2 /v2/client/rejectCancellationRequest Path does not match
502 reject_cancellation_request_v2 /v2/rejectCancellationRequest Path does not match
503 client_sign_transaction_v2 /v2/client/signTransaction Path does not match
504 sign_many_transactions_for_client_v2 /v2/client/signManyTransactions Path does not match
505 sign_many_transactions_v2 /v2/signManyTransactions Path does not match
506 sign_transaction_v2 /v2/signTransaction Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.