Query Metrics

6 Database Queries
3 Different statements
7.39 ms Query time
11 Invalid entities

Grouped Statements

Show all queries

Time Count Info
3.43 ms
SELECT AS id_0, d0_.domain AS domain_1, d0_.low_value AS low_value_2, d0_.high_value AS high_value_3, d0_.comment AS comment_4, d0_.ui_editable AS ui_editable_5, d0_.ui_label AS ui_label_6, d0_.ui_description AS ui_description_7, d0_.created_at AS created_at_8, d0_.updated_at AS updated_at_9 FROM domain_values d0_ WHERE d0_.domain = ? AND d0_.low_value = ?
2.06 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.domain AS domain_2, t0.low_value AS low_value_3, t0.high_value AS high_value_4, t0.comment AS comment_5, t0.ui_editable AS ui_editable_6, t0.ui_label AS ui_label_7, t0.ui_description AS ui_description_8, t0.created_at AS created_at_9, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_10 FROM domain_values t0 WHERE t0.low_value = ? AND t0.domain = ? LIMIT 1
1.90 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.domain AS domain_2, t0.low_value AS low_value_3, t0.high_value AS high_value_4, t0.comment AS comment_5, t0.ui_editable AS ui_editable_6, t0.ui_label AS ui_label_7, t0.ui_description AS ui_description_8, t0.created_at AS created_at_9, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_10 FROM domain_values t0 WHERE t0.low_value = ? LIMIT 1

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
App\Entity\DomainValue No errors.
App\Entity\Currency No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\BankPermission#rolePermissions is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\BankRolePermission#permission does not contain the required 'inversedBy="rolePermissions"' attribute.
App\Entity\Permissions\AccountPermissionSetting No errors.
App\Entity\Permissions\ClientAccountPermission No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#clientKycLevels is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientKycLevel#client does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clientKycLevels"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#blacklistingFlows is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\BlacklistingFlow#client does not contain the required 'inversedBy="blacklistingFlows"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#idVerificationDocuments is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\IdVerificationDocument#client does not contain the required 'inversedBy="idVerificationDocuments"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#clientDocuments is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientDocument#client does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clientDocuments"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#clientSystemStates is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientSystemState#client does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clientSystemStates"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#clientMessageSettings is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientMessageSettings#client does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clientMessageSettings"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#plans is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientPlan#client does not contain the required 'inversedBy="plans"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#clientReviewComments is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientReviewComment#client does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clientReviewComments"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#accounts is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Account#client does not contain the required 'inversedBy="accounts"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\ClientAccount#permissions is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Permissions\ClientAccountPermission#clientAccount does not contain the required 'inversedBy="permissions"' attribute.
App\Entity\CompanyPerson No errors.
App\Entity\IdVerificationDocument No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\ClientDocument#clientDocFiles is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientDocFile#document does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clientDocFiles"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\DocumentRequested#clientDocuments is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientDocument#documentRequested does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clientDocuments"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\DocumentRequested#comments is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\DocumentRequestedComment#documentRequested does not contain the required 'inversedBy="comments"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Shareholder\ShareholderStatus#shareholders is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Shareholder\Shareholder#status does not contain the required 'inversedBy="shareholders"' attribute.
App\Entity\KycLevel No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\ClientKycLevel#clientDocuments is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientDocument#kycLevel does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clientDocuments"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Account#clientAccounts is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ClientAccount#account does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clientAccounts"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Account#handlingFees is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\AccountHandlingFee#account does not contain the required 'inversedBy="handlingFees"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Account#accountTransactionMethods is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\AccountTransactionMethod#account does not contain the required 'inversedBy="accountTransactionMethods"' attribute.
App\Entity\AccountStatus No errors.
App\Entity\TransactionMethod No errors.
App\Entity\AccountType No errors.
App\Entity\AccountAddressType No errors.
App\Entity\SignatureType No errors.
App\Entity\AccountSecurityLimit No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Person#client is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Client#person does not contain the required 'inversedBy="client"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Person#personSettings is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\PersonSettings#person does not contain the required 'inversedBy="personSettings"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Person#shareholders is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Shareholder\Shareholder#person does not contain the required 'inversedBy="shareholders"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Person#companies is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\CompanyPerson#person does not contain the required 'inversedBy="companies"' attribute.
App\Entity\AccountAddress No errors.
App\Entity\AccountCurrencyBalance No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Product#ruleSets is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\ProductRuleSet#product does not contain the required 'inversedBy="ruleSets"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Product#handlingFees is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\AccountHandlingFee#product does not contain the required 'inversedBy="handlingFees"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\ProductAction#products is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Product#action does not contain the required 'inversedBy="products"' attribute.
App\Entity\ClientSystemState No errors.
App\Entity\TransactionStatus No errors.
App\Entity\OA2User No errors.
App\Entity\TransactionProcessingInfo No errors.
App\Entity\TransactionMethodRoute No errors.
App\Entity\SystemCalendar No errors.
App\Entity\Bank No errors.
App\Entity\PersonInvitation No errors.
FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Entity\Client No errors.
App\Entity\OA2Client No errors.
FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Entity\AccessToken No errors.
App\Entity\OA2AccessToken No errors.
FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Entity\RefreshToken No errors.
App\Entity\OA2RefreshToken No errors.
App\Entity\FactorTwoAuth No errors.
App\Entity\TempPassword No errors.